Assessment of Eighth Grade Students' Domain-General Computational Thinking Skills



computational thinking, domain-generally computational thinking, scale adaptation, middle school students


The aim of this study was to examine the domain-general CT skills of 8th grade students in Turkey. In the study, first, the domain-general CT scale was adapted to Turkish and then, the CT skills of the students were examined. This survey research was conducted with the 284 eighth grade students. The data were analyzed through confirmatory factor analysis, independent sample t-test and Pearson correlation test. The results of the validity and reliability tests showed that the domain-general CT scale was suitable for Turkish culture. T-test results showed no significant difference in the CT skills of the students according to gender, having a computer and internet access at home. A statistically significant difference in algorithm, evaluation, generalization, and general CT skills was found between students who learned programming and those who did not in favor of students learning programming. Correlational tests revealed that there was a positive and significant relationship between the programming experience of students who learn programming and their CT skills. As students' programming experience increased, their CT skills also increased. The results of the research were discussed, and recommendations for policy-makers and implementers were included.


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How to Cite

Karalar, H., & Alpaslan, M. M. (2021). Assessment of Eighth Grade Students’ Domain-General Computational Thinking Skills. International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools, 5(1), 35–47.