The Effect of STEM Training with Educational Robotics Applications Designed for Classroom Teachers on the STEM Awareness and Attitudes of Teachers


  • Fatma Keskink Kilic KırÅŸehir Ahi Evran University


STEM, educational robotics, STEM awareness, STEM attitude


In today's conditions, the needs of the labor market are changing in parallel with technological developments and the need for individuals trained in STEM is increasing. For this reason, it is a priority to increase the skills and awareness of teachers who will guide individuals trained in the field of STEM. In this study, a STEM training with educational robotics applications was designed for classroom teachers. After the training, it was observed that teachers' STEM awareness and attitudes towards STEM education increased.


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2024-05-27 — Updated on 2024-05-27

How to Cite

Keskink Kilic, F. (2024). The Effect of STEM Training with Educational Robotics Applications Designed for Classroom Teachers on the STEM Awareness and Attitudes of Teachers. International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools, 6(3), 3–23.