Investigation of Computational Thinking in the Context of ICT and Mobile Technologies


  • Didem Alsancak Sirakaya


Computational thinking, ICT experience, mobile device experience


This research aimed to determine the change in students’ computational thinking skills according to their ICT and mobile technology experience and frequency of use. The sample of the study, designed with the survey model, consisted of 269 students attending a vocational school of higher education. Data were collected using the Computational Thinking Scale and the Personal Information Form. Descriptive statistics, unrelated samples t-test and one-way ANOVA were used in data analysis. According to results, it was determined that students’ computational thinking skills differed according to their internet experience, mobile device experience, mobile internet experience and period of daily mobile internet use, while no differences were found based on computer experience, the number of times they checked their mobile devices a day and purpose of mobile device usage.


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How to Cite

Sirakaya, D. A. (2020). Investigation of Computational Thinking in the Context of ICT and Mobile Technologies. International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools, 3(4), 50–59.